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Artificial Intelligence (AI) – powered dashboard for Covid-19 related public sentiment and opinion mining in social media platforms

Edinburgh Napier University
United Kingdom
Trend prediction via AI dashboard
Key Focus of Study
The project will aid in understanding and mitigating the direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, by creating an AI-driven dashboard for policymakers, public health and clinical practitioners. This will enable continuous monitoring, prediction and visualisation of evolving COVID-19 trends on social media platforms, such as public sentiments and attitudes towards behavioural interventions (e.g. social distancing, travel restrictions, lockdown) thus providing a better understanding of their potential short- and longer-term impacts on public health and well-being. The web-based interactive dashboard prototype will also aid decision makers by informing the development of appropriate interventions.
Key Stakeholders
Policymakers, public health and clinical practitioners
Funding Institution(s)
CSO Scotland
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