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Front Line health Workers’ (FLWs) perceptions and opinions on their personal safety while attending suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh

BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University
14 districts and 43 healthcare institutions
Type of Study
Telephone survey
A simple two-page tool with 22 topics in the form of a semi-structured questionnaire was developed to address the objectives which was used as talking points for the telephone interview. Most of the topics were pre-coded for possible responses including an “Other” category to accommodate responses beyond the codes. A number of open-ended questions were also included in the interview tool. The interview was meant to be conducted in a conversation mode. A purposive sample of doctors, nurses and other FLWS was taken leveraging our past engagement with them in relation to some earlier studies done. Respondents from the initial list was also used for seeking further respondents of a particular category by ‘snowball’ sampling.
Key Focus of Study
To elicit the perceptions of the front line health workers (FLWs) regarding personal safety against contracting the infection when attending suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patients. Besides their opinions on the problem of shortage and recommendations on how to resolve it so that the misunderstanding before the media/policy makers/people is mitigated and their morale is boosted to serve the humanity.
Key Stakeholders
Front Line health Workers’ (FLWs) that includes doctors (MBBS and post-graduates), nurses and midwives, and para-medics (SACMOs, lab technicians, FWVs).
Sample size
60 respondents could be interviewed for eliciting necessary information through telephone interview.
Data were collected during the six days from 9 to 14 Apr. 2020.
Funding Institution(s)
BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health and Bangladesh Health Watch.
Date data expected
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