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Loss of Mental Well-being at the time of COVID-19 Pandemic

BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University
Urban and rural
Type of Study
Rapid Survey
The survey was conducted over phone maintaining proper ethical standard and respect for the interviewee. The samples were draws from the past surveys carried at by the JPG School of Public Health in the late 2018 and 2019. One sample included the sample from a nationally representative survey carried out in 2019. Used two scales to assess psychological well-being. First, we used Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Also used Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD–7), which is a seven-item questionnaire. Both these scales measure unspecified psychological morbidity and generally used as screening tool because of reasonable sensitivity.
Key Focus of Study
The COVID-19 and its outbreak in Bangladesh is taking a huge toll from both public health and economic points of view. Bangladesh has a large informal sector and a large fraction her population depends on short-term earnings such as daily wage. The health system also has limitations. Only about 3% of total national income is spent on health, placing it one of the lowest in the region. As a result, the citizens of the country are likely to feel extra mental health duress and face loss of psychological well-being. In this brief, we present results from a rapid survey carried out by the BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health. The goal of the survey was to provide rapid yet rigorous evidence to first identify some of emerging issues in the context of an unprecedent global public pandemic with very specific local implications. The survey covered a number of domains that are pertinent to the current COVID-19 crisis e.g. information on awareness, knowledge and practices associated with infec????on and transmission of COVID-19. Also included how the pandemic and the ongoing lockdown have affected income, earnings, as well as consumption and diets. Explored various coping strategies and focused on certain gender aspects of the pandemic. Assessed mental health or psychological well-beings of all the respondents.
Key Stakeholders
Urban and rural population particularly RMG workers and urban young men.
Sample size
A sample size of 1,309, with specific focus on RMG workers and urban young men
The first phase of the data collection efforts took place between April 6 and 13, 2020
Funding Institution(s)
BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University
Date data expected
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