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Pins and needles at the time of a pandemic: Learning from the RMG workers through a rapid survey

BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University
Dhaka, Gazipur
Type of Study
Rapid Survey
A rapid survey using phone call was conducted focusing on a cohort of RMG workers who were surveyed in from September to December 2018. Followed a rigorous process of obtaining informed consent over phone calls. Each call lasted on average 45 minutes.
Key Focus of Study
The ready-made garment sector, along with the migrant workers, has been one of the major drivers of the socio-economic development of Bangladesh in the last 40 years. The pandemic has put the four million workers and their families between the rock and a very hard place. The close down of all major economies has halted the retail activities there. The study wanted to understand a number of outcomes such as income, employment status, consumption, and practice and perception of different preventive measures to lower the risk of COVID-19 infection among the RMG workers.
Key Stakeholders
Ready-made garment (RMG) workers
Sample size
159 ready-made garments workers as respondents
April 5-13, 2020
Funding Institution(s)
BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health
Date data expected
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