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Projects in North Kivu

Integrating routine health information into the response to Ebola in the DRC and generating lessons for future public health crises

Wilfrid Laurier University; School of Public Health, University of Kinshasa; Bluesquare; University of British Columbia
Country of Study
Location of Study
North Kivu (+ Equateur)
Type of Study
Health systems
Subcomponent 1: Routine admistrative data & interrupted time series approach to evaluate outbreak impact on use of key primary health care services; Subcomponent 2: primary data collection using interviews with key stakeholders in Equateur (& resources permitting, N Kivu) to identify barriers to use of routine health information during outbreak
Key Focus of Study
Impact of outbreaks on health service use & health system performance; implications for response & recovery
Key Stakeholders
Local & national health system planners; international responders & organizations involved in response
Sample size
Feb - March 2019
Funding Institution
International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Date when findings can be shared
Spring 2019
For more info, contact


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