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Key Considerations: Ebola Preparedness and Readiness in Goma, DRC

Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform, a collaboration between UNICEF, Anthrologica & Institute for Development Studies (IDS). (Author: David Peyton of Northwestern University, w/support from Ingrid Gercama & Juliet Bedford (Anthrologica). Additional inputs: Karen Büscher (Ghent University), Pat Stys (London School of Economics), Hugh Lamarque (University of Edinburgh), Martin Doevenspick (University of Bayreuth), Nene Morisho (Pole Institute), Kennedy Kihangi Bindu (Centre de Recherche sur la Démocratie et le Développement en Afrique), Jean-Benoït Falisse (University of Edinburgh), Rachel Sweet (Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies), Phuong Pham (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative); colleagues from UNICEF, Médecins Sans Frontières and Translators without Borders
Country of Study
Location of Study
Type of Study
Rapid social science review
Rapid review: existing published & grey literature; personal communication w/Goma administrative and health officials; lessons learnt from previous Ebola epidemics
Key Focus of Study
Focuses on local social, political structures to be leveraged to promote preparedness in Goma (administrative capital of N. Kivu, urban centre, hub linking eastern Congo to East African sub-region)
Funding Institution
Wellcome Trust and DFID Joint Initiative
Date when findings can be shared
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