Online database of training on social dimensions of infectious threats

This database contains over two hundred trainings that cover social dimensions of infectious threats (epidemic outbreaks or anti-microbial resistance). By means of the filter boxes, you can search for trainings that match your preferences in terms of area of interest, disease, discipline or target audience. If you know of a valuable training that is not in the database just yet – please let us know ( so that we can add it!
Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3)

READY network

Université de Cocody Abidjan

Université d’Abomey -Calavi

The European Union Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centers of Excellence Initiative

West African health Organization

Centre de Recherche et de Formation en Infectiologie de Guinee (CERFIG)

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
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